What I am trying to get at is I wish that I was old enough
for one of those events. Discovering films from the past is great and all, but
imagine watching Friday the 13th for the first time when it was released. I think my head would explode. I watch
Blood Rage or My Bloody Valentine, today, I get a sense of nostalgia. They are
great films, but I would have loved to have been old enough to these films on
the big screen, with an audience, for the first time. That would have been a
great experience.
Now imagine watching Jaws
for the first time. Sitting in the theater with a group of strangers as the
girl on screen is running towards to beach, undressing as she goes. She finally
hits the water and then she gets eaten. There is more suspense in the film than
that, but you get where I am going with this. This is unlike anything you have
ever seen before. Two hours later, you walk out of the theater in a daze. You
know you will have horrible nightmares, but you loved the film. It scared you
but good. You are now a lifelong fan of Jaws,
shark films, Steven Spielberg, you name it.
Now it is 1983. You have sat through one Jaws sequel already (Jaws 2) and you liked it. It paled in
the shadow of the first film, but it told a decent story and told it pretty
well. Now you are in the theater for Jaws
3-D. You have on some funky glasses when the film starts. The film starts
and the credits come out at you. Ok, this is not terrible. Then some guy gets
eaten, his arm floats under the water. Not too bad. There is a lot of things
shoved at the camera and lingered on. What is the point of this outside of the
Then, close to the end of the film, the shark aims itself at
the underwater control center. She (the shark is female) aims towards the
control center window where Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett Jr., among others,
are stationed. The shark swims makes a beeline towards that window. You and the
characters know that shark is coming through that window. The characters look
at the shark. Each one of them in slow motion say different things. Dennis Quad
says the obvious. “SHARK!!!” he cries as if we didn’t know that already. The
shark moves closer to the window until BOOM! the shark comes crashing through
the window.
Among the characters in the control room is a black man. He
has been in that control room since the beginning of the film. He has been
making sure that everything goes smoothly for the big Sea World event going on
up top. He is the man who answers every call to that control room. He is the
boss of the control room. When the shark comes crashing into the control room
and has to make a quick decision: “Who do I eat first?”. Since the film is shot
and set in the 80’s, there is only one answer: One of the two black characters.
You have Louis Gossett Jr, one of few black actors ever to win an Academy Award
and has graced us with his presence in such films as The Deep and J.D.’s Revenge
and also starred in the cultural phenomenon that is Roots. And then you have the actor playing the control room guy. He
has been in so many things that he doesn’t even have a name.
The shark has to make this a quick decision as the film is
almost over, but the choice in the shark’s head is in slow motion. Finally, the
shark comes to a decision: The control room guy has been chosen and is taken
out without much fanfare. The characters don’t notice that he is gone even
though he was the controller of everything from the control room. You would
think that he was loved based on how the characters interacted with him. Shit,
the lead actress, upon entering the control room right before “SHARK!!”, leans
on the back of his chair and looks over his shoulder to see what is going on.
Not everyone will do that. You would think that that meant that they at least
knew each other.
With the exit of the control room guy, the film can end
properly. Something happens, you are not sure what it is, and the shark blows
up. That’s right. The shark blows up for no reason. It is probably something
that was hinted at earlier in the film, but you weren’t paying attention to it.
Either that or the shark blew up when she realized that she had eaten the
control room guy and thus could not live anymore with the guilt. We will never
With the shark blown up to 3-D pieces, the heroes swim up to
the top and wait for their dolphin friends. (By the way, there two dolphins who
are friends with the leads and tried to warn them about the shark.) One of the
dolphins comes swimming to the surface, happily greeted by its friend/master.
The female lead asks where the other dolphin is. The dolphin gives a sad look
and shakes its head. The two leads grow sad when, all of a sudden and a
complete shock to the entire audience (sarcasm), the second dolphin enters the
frame and everyone is happy. So happy, in fact, that they all freeze in a weird
combination of composite shots.
The film has ended. You take off those damn glasses,
swearing never to go see a 3-D film again. (Months later, with the release of Amityville 3-D, you brake that promise.
You regret it.) As you walk out of the theater, you think about the film. Was
it any good? Why were the effects so terrible? Why 3-D? You come up with an
answer that you will tell you friends when they mock you the next day. The
acting was questionable and the effects were terrible, but there was something
about the film that didn’t make it all bad. Also, some of the photography was
nice. Overall, it was just so-so. It could have been worse. It could have been Jaws: The Revenge.