I hope that this day is finding you all well.
I just wanted to give everyone an update on what is going here at The Big Movie House.
First, I would like to thank each and every person who finds their way here. I am very grateful for the readers to pass through as well as the readers who keep coming back. I was looking at my stats the other day and I am very happy with the traffic that we have been getting.
Second, I am doing away with the score cards. While I think that they look good and get the point across, they have become very cumbersome to use. They never go where I want them to and I think that it hurts the look of the review in the end.
Instead I will be using a number system. The scores will stay the same: 4-great, 3-good, 2-ok, 1-crap, and 0-waste of time. There will also be .5s in between as well, so you will see a film score with a 3.5. The scores will also be placed right next to the subject being graded. So you will see:
The Punisher (1989) [3 stars out of 4]
This will make it a lot easier for all of you to see the grade while reading. It makes it easier for me because I can place these grades anywhere.
Stars will still be used for stand alone film reviews.
Third, there will be some really nice reviews coming in the next week or so. I just have to put the finishing touches on them and they will be posted as soon as they are don.
Again, thank you for coming by and taking a look around. If you have any comments or concerns, please comment on this post or contact us through Facebook, Twitter, or Our Reddit.

You can reach Jimmy P with any questions or comments through email, thebigmoviehouse@hotmail.com, Facebook, twitter.com/jimmyp0504, or commenting on any post.