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Disc 1: Theatrical Version Blu-ray
Deleted Scenes (7m 45s, HD) with optional commentary from James Mangold
-Logan Gets A Ticket
-Alternate Dinner Scene
-Caliban Death
-Booby's Action Figures
-Medical Tent- Connect the Dots
-Mutant Kid Master Puppet
These scenes seem to be cut for pacing as they could fit easily back into the film. The Mutant Kid Master Puppet scene is short but should have been left in the film.
These scenes can be watched separately or together with the "Play All" feature.
Making Logan (1h 16m , HD)
-Crafting the Story
-Casting the Film
-Designing the World
-Creating the Score
-Stunts and Fights
-Wrapping Logan
This is a wonderful doc about the making of Logan. No stone is left unturned and we get a sense that this film was a lot of fun to make. There is a somber tone to the doc in places though as this is the last film that Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart will appear in the roles of Logan and Charles.
The doc can viewed in the separate featurettes or all at once with the "Play All" feature.
Commentary with James Mangold
Theatrical Trailers (6m 32s, HD)
-Theatrical Trailer 1
-Theatrical Trailer 2
-Red Band Trailer 2
Can be viewed separately are all at once with the "Play All" feature.
Disc 2: Theatrical Version DVD
Disc 3: Logan Noir (Black and White Version) Blu-ray
Commentary with James Mangold
Let's talk about this Logan: Noir version for a second. I understand that filmmakers want to do things that the studios won't let them do, but I can think of a reason for this sudden urge to turn films black and white. I understood why The Mist (2007) did it. The film was a throw back to 50's monster movies and taking away the color actually added to the film. When George Miller did the Black and Chrome version of Mad Max: Fury Road, I went with it. There are a few scenes that play better in black and white and the dodgier CGI is masked by the color change, but it doesn't really work that well.
With Logan Noir, I can not see what the point of this is. What are the filmmakers trying to capture? The film itself plays out like a Western, but most people remember Westerns that were in color. There are not very many people out there who have nostalgia for black and white Westerns. And I am sorry, but Logan does not play like a Film Noir.
Also included inside the packaging is a code for a digital copy with redemption through iTunes or an Ultraviolet provider like Vudu.
The edition that I am reviewing is the Target Exclusive Digibook. There are other editions out there.
You can have the regular edition that comes with everything except the digibook:
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There is also a Best Buy Exclusive Steelbook:
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And, if you are into the 4K scene, there is the UHD version of the film:
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All of these versions come with the Logan: Noir disc.
The front cover shows us Logan standing in front of a setting sun. This cover also has a metallic look to it if looked at from the right direction.
The back cover gives us the standard information about the film itself, tech specs, and special features. The color of the lettering for the tech specs and credits is too similar to the black background making it hard to read, even in sunlight.
The back cover gives us the standard information about the film itself, tech specs, and special features. The color of the lettering for the tech specs and credits is too similar to the black background making it hard to read, even in sunlight.
A complaint that I have is that the slip cover is way too tight and takes a small army to remove from the digibook inside. Once you have worked with it for a bit, the slip becomes looser and the digibook is easier to get to.
The front and back covers to the digibook have a matte finish, which is very nice. The front cover just says Logan in grey lettering. Very simple and elegant.
Opening the book you will find one blu-ray and one dvd on the inside covers (front and back). These discs are the theatrical versions of the film with all the special features. The holders for the discs are the usual Fox cardboard holders. Warner Bros and Sony use plastic holders, which hold the discs in place. The card board holders do not do a very good job of holding the discs and they are prone to falling out.
Also inside (disc-wise) is a thin sleeve made out of card stock. This sleeve holds the Logan; Noir version of the film.
The book portion of the digibook is very nice. This 40-page affair is presented with glossy pages and beautiful black and white stills from the film. There is not text other than a quote from Charles on the third page right before the pictures start.
The picture quality here is outstanding. Since this is a newer film, you expect that and Fox delivers. Detail and clarity are crystal clear and there is a nice 3D effect going on, which helps with the immersion. Colors are correct, just everything about this transfer is great.
The film's DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 track is amazing. The speakers get a true workout here, when the action dies down, the surrounds are still working to give us full immersion. Everything about this track is great and I couldn't find one thing bad about it. The dialogue is crisp and clear and not one distortion to be found. Excellent track.
In the near future, a weary Logan (Hugh Jackman) cares for an ailing Professor X (Patrick Stewart) at a remote outpost on the Mexican border. His plan to hide from the outside world gets upended when he meets a young mutant (Dafne Keen) who is very much like him. Logan must now protect the girl and battle the dark forces that want to capture her.
Logan is the best of the X-men films bar none. This is the film that should have been made years ago. The subject matter is taken deadly serious with little in the way of humor and still fits in with the rest of the X-men films. Hugh Jackman was born to play Logan aka Wolverine and here he does some of his best acting. His Logan is a man who has been to hell and back and has seen everything.
Logan is older, but not necessarily wiser. He just wants to drink himself into an oblivion, but can't because he now cares for Professor X. Jackman should get an Oscar nomination for his work here, but that will never happen.
The rest of the cast is great with a shout out to Dafne Keen as the little girl that Logan is tasked to protect. This girl is going to be a star in the future. She has very deep eyes that express so much without her saying a word and her eyebrows are reminiscent of Jack Nicholson's, and we all know how well he turned out.
This is the second comic book film, after Deadpool, to receive an R rating and director James Mangold (Copland) takes full advantage of this. The first words out of Logan's mouth are "Oh fuck". Not only do we get copious amounts of cursing, but we also get to see Wolverine doing his thing without the restrictions of a PG-13 rating. This film is violent and bloody and doesn't shy away from anything. Hopefully, more studios see that the R rating is not a curse, but can help filmmakers craft the stories they want to without restrictions.
Logan is one of the best films of 2017. The film has a lot of heart and the acting is superb. Hugh Jackman has said that this is the last time he will play Wolverine (unless he appears in Deadpool 2) and what a way to go out. If only more comic book films were as good as Logan, we would all be a lot happier.
Logan is the film that both Marvel and DC should be striving for. Here is a film that takes its subject matter seriously and looks good while doing it. This is a comic book film for adults and the film earns that distinction every step of the way. Imagine what we could have if DC had let Suicide Squad have an R rating and more mature subject matter. Or if Marvel really explored some of the dark matter they have access to. I am not saying that every comic book film needs to be R rated, but some would benefit from having that mature rating.
The blu-ray from Fox is damn near perfect in every aspect and worth owning if you are a fan of the series or if you want to see what a real comic book movie can look like.
Logan is the film that both Marvel and DC should be striving for. Here is a film that takes its subject matter seriously and looks good while doing it. This is a comic book film for adults and the film earns that distinction every step of the way. Imagine what we could have if DC had let Suicide Squad have an R rating and more mature subject matter. Or if Marvel really explored some of the dark matter they have access to. I am not saying that every comic book film needs to be R rated, but some would benefit from having that mature rating.
The blu-ray from Fox is damn near perfect in every aspect and worth owning if you are a fan of the series or if you want to see what a real comic book movie can look like.