In this first entry of The Video Store Days, I take a trip down memory lane to talk about what the first R-rated horror film I ever saw was and how that film became my first.
I am a child of the 80’s but was raised in the 90’s. I know that probably doesn’t make too much sense, but let me break it down for you: I was born five days before the first FRIDAY THE 13TH was released but didn’t come into my own until the 90’s. For the first ten years of my life, I watched what my parents watched. This meant that I watched a lot of Disney movies, afternoon cartoons like HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE and TRANSFORMERS, and whatever was playing on tv during primetime. There was nothing wrong with any of this stuff as I was raised right. I respected my elders, worked hard at school and at home, and treated everyone the way that I wanted to be treated. I was a good kid who had a sanitized world around him.

My quest for horror movies was during The Video Store Days, the time in which everyone went to a special store to rent their movies. Nowadays, they are mostly gone, but during the 80’s and the 90’s they were everywhere. At the height of The Video Store Days, I belonged to more than fifteen video stores. Some were a decent drive away, but it was all worth it in the end. My search for horror movies brought me to my local video store, R&R video, which had a really nice horror section.

what I saw. This was unlike any other film I had ever seen. It was a horror film in a very loose sense as it played out more like a comedy. This delighted me as I thought the film was hilarious. I loved the imagination the film had and the gore wasn’t disgusting, but funny. I loved the film and knew that I needed to keep a lookout for anything else that Troma did.
When I returned to school the following Monday, I told everyone about this film. I did a show and tell where I brought in the VHS box to show to the class (my mother knew the owner and asked him if I could borrow the box for the day.) My teacher was not very happy about my find but didn’t fight me on showing it. He was just happy that I found something that made me happy. (I suffered from depression from a very young age, but that was during a time when depression was a really bad word that got you ostracized by almost everyone in your life.) I talked THE TOXIC AVENGER PART II up so much that my mother was getting calls from angry parents who were hoodwinked by the kids into renting the film only to find out later that the film was really violent, gory, and contained nudity. The violence wasn’t what the parents were mad about, but the nudity. Man, parents HATE nudity. My mother really didn’t care that others were getting in trouble because she knew that I found a new passion: Film.
Next time I will talk about Full Moon and my discovery of this wonderful company.